How Could Anyone Ever Tell You

Libby Roderick

Libby Roderick is a world-healing singer/songwriter, best known for her song How Could Anyone. Firmly rooted in Alaska and inspired by Native Alaskan ways of thinking, Libby combines deep concern for the Earth and its creatures with beautiful music and lyrics, to inspire and equip listeners toward a better world.

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Libby Roderick:
How Could Anyone - from If You See a Dream
Low to the Ground - from Thinking Like a Mountain
Dancing in Front of the Guns - from Thinking Like a Mountain
Is that What You Really Want? - from Thinking Like a Mountain
Winter Wheat - on YouTube
What Do You Do When the Lifeboats are Burning? - Not yet distributed
If the World Were My Lover - from If the World Were My Lover

Episode Number


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How Could Anyone Ever Tell You

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The natural beauty of Alaska is one source of faith and inspiration – and where does the original blessing start, or end, in humans?
The Council of All Beings & cultural night with Native Alaskans and BEING the Raven.
Dancing & other cultural identity was unfortunately suppressed among natives, by missionaries, including Quakers.
How Mark has soothed – with How Could Anyone, and with Ma Na Vu.
Libby's work with the Difficult Dialogs Projects – how to work together across differences, including Fox News and those of the “other” side.
Libby's song, Dancing In Front of the Guns – and the importance of joy in our work, and I Am A Pizza, and Dancing At The Revolution....
Libby is working with the multiple types of Quakers in Alaska on climate change issues.
Western ways of learning only tap a part of our capacity for learning.
Wholeness and balance of heart, mind, body, & spirit.
Libby's roots in Anchorage
Do Alaskan natives share in 7th generation thinking?
2 realities behind the power of How Could Anyone

Broadcast Date(s)


Libby Roderick


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