Blood Type Kona AA

Stephen Lee Rich

Stephen Lee Rich is a musician with a joke (or a comedian with a song), a yodeler, and a leading figure in the work of Musicians United to Protect Bristol Bay. Based in Madison, WI, and performing & recording frequently with Sandy Andina, Stephen is both serious and humorous and caffeine-fueled.

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Stephen Lee Rich, unless otherwise noted:
Caffeine - written by Sandy Andina, performed by Stephen Lee Rich on Facing Monday
Tell Me What Democracy Looks Like - on Free Range Sofas
These Cowboys (Born Out Of Their Time) - by Andina & Rich on Two Guitars, A Dulcimer and an Attitude
Facing Monday - by Andina & Rich, soon-to-be-released on Chasing Lightning
Don't - on YouTube
Porchlight Blues - by Andina & Rich on Two Guitars, A Dulcimer and an Attitude
Waterbound - on Free Range Sofas

Episode Number


First Air Date

Blood Type Kona AA

Audio file

Stephen talks of his views on religion, spirituality, and what really matters to him - and he even has quotes to illustrate his viewpoint!
The sad death of Rich's first wife was not due to cancer, as I had thought, but vulnerability brought on by 40 years of drinking...

Broadcast Date(s)


Stephen Lee Rich


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