Memories of Eclectic Barns & Swinging Wingtips: John Lynch

John Lynch

John Lynch has decades of experience in the music world, performing full-time right out of school, traveling all around the USA with the group The Memories. Eventually the needs of raising kids reduced the territorial range over which he'd perform, but retirement freed his dedication to come back to the stage full-time. He's performed and performs in a wide variety of bands and styles, with folks like North of Dixie, the Eclectic Barn Boys and Ranger Rudy and the Swinging Wingtips, and given some family origins in Tennessee, there is clearly some country music influence involved, but also much beyond that. Not bad for a simple country boy from Wisconsin.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Methodist, Christian

All featured music is written & performed by John Lynch:

You've Got your Truth

Hey, Grandpa

Out-kicked Your Coverage

Drinking to You

Inside Pocket

Marry Me In Tennessee

My Favorite Christmas Eve

Episode Number


First Air Date

Full, uncut interview with John Lynch

Audio file

Memories of Eclectic Barns & Swinging Wingtips: John Lynch

Audio file

John had to learn a lot, and change a lot, to fill his role as father of twins and a third child.
The music world has changed a lot over the decades John has done music, and he's still going strong after his theoretical retirement.
John's mother's roots were Tennessee, so he got those roots in his soul, though he didn't get the dance gene.
Though John had a non-musical livelihood for many years, both before and after that livelihood music brought home the bacon.

Broadcast Date(s)


John Lynch


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