One of the Eclectic Barn Boys: Randy Sinz

Randy Sinz

Randy Sinz recently released his first personal album, This One's For You Dad, after a lifetime of performing, given that his dad pulled him onstage to perform in Randy's early teens. While he's mainly known as a bass player, and his native music genre is country, in fact he's played many instruments and numerous varieties of music. Consider this partial listing of bands he plays/has played with: Yata, Sinz & OrfieldSue Orfield Band, AcoutiHoo, Whyte-Orfield Band, Code Blue, Eclectic Barn BoysRanger Rudy & the Swinging WingtipsTwo RiversNorth of Dixie and more. With all the abilities & skills of the front-liner, Randy is comfortable offering the limelight to others. Randy calls Eau Claire, WI, home.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Lutheran, UCC, Non-denominational Christian, 12-Step Spirituality

All featured music is written & performed by Randy Sinz unless otherwise indicated:

Blue Highway Blue - written by Billy Thomas, performed by Randy on This One's For You Dad

C# or Bb - written by Yata, from Dancing In The Light by Yata, Sinz & Orfield

You Told Me So - written by Ken Brewer, performed by Randy on This One's For You Dad

Desert Blue - from This One's For You Dad

Know My Name - written by Billy Stoops, performed by Randy on This One's For You Dad

Episode Number


First Air Date

Full, uncut interview with Randy Sinz

Audio file

One of the Eclectic Barn Boys: Randy Sinz

Audio file

Randy fills in the outline of his early work as a musician, and as a non-musician!

Broadcast Date(s)


Randy Sinz


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