Moxieville is Top Heavy - Dooley Noted!

Megan Dooley

Megan Dooley is a home-town, Kalamazoo, woman with sultry, bluesy, vocals and great guitar that she's contributed to the groups she's been part of - Dooley Noted, Top Heavy and, now, Moxieville (on Facebook or on SoundCloud). A passionate advocate of local music, Kalamazoo has a worthy and successful tradition to uphold, and Megan embraces and fulfills it!

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Megan Dooley:
Take Care of Yourself - with Dooley Noted from Live at the Kalamazoo Public Library
Careless - with Dooley Noted from Live at the Kalamazoo Public Library
Fair-Weather Friend - with Top Heavy live on WIDR Basement Show, 10/29/2012
Glad That You're Gone - with Top Heavy live on WIDR Basement Show, 10/29/2012
Fall - Solo Home Recording/Unreleased

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Moxieville is Top Heavy - Dooley Noted!

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Megan got her musical inspiration from her father, a man who would loudly sing songs in the stores at Christmas!
Megan's second passion - cooking - with all kinds of taste treats, all the way to comfort food.
Great name for a city - Kalamazoo - and where better to have a kazoo factory.
A neighborhood festival with Megan's help, microbreweries, beer, and Kalamazoo culture.
Musings about the relationship between the creativity of musicians and artists, and the ways the ways they cope with the world.

Broadcast Date(s)


Megan Dooley


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