With Tarzan, Jesus, & Jim

Jan Krist

Jan Krist creates stunning songs of the human condition, sometimes with deep pathos, sometimes with a wry eye, always with superb lyrics and voice. She often takes the stage solo, but also commonly with Jim Bizer, and sometimes with the Yellow Room Gang.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:

Baptist, Evangelical Christian, Lutheran, Quaker

All songs in this program are written & performed by Jan Krist or by Jan Krist & Jim Bizer:

Good Enough
Wounded Me Wounded You
Tarzan Tells All (Love Big, Us Small)
Charcoal Sky
Little Bird

Episode Number


First Air Date

With Tarzan, Jesus, & Jim

Audio file

Women have their ways of experiencing and expressing lack of self-esteem, and men have their own ways, including a reluctance to dance.
Filling in some of the background - what is the Kerrville Folk Festival?

Broadcast Date(s)


Jan Krist


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