Pain Into Connection, Dark Pop, & Scrabble Mastery

Jessica Smucker

Jessica Smucker is today's SOS guest, and she believes the best way to change the world is to channel our pain into connection. Jessica is one very captivating person, both musically and otherwise. She worked on movies, is a published poet & a social justice warrior, came into music through a rock band called The Sleeping World, and she knows all the two-letter words in Scrabble, so don't even think of challenging her. Raised Mennonite from Amish grandparents, she's been enriched by and moved beyond them to her own path. For a fun, quirky new song of hers, check out Let's Get a Tree.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences: Mennonite

All songs in this program are written & performed by Jessica Smucker:
The Sea - from Lucid Stories, Tentative Lies, watch the video
When I Was the Weather - from Lucid Stories, Tentative Lies
Dear John Letter to Jesus - from Lucid Stories, Tentative Lies
Beautiful Sin - from Lucid Stories, Tentative Lies
Dinosaurs - unreleased, on coming album After The Meteor, watch the video
My Newest Moon - from Tumbling After

Episode Number


First Air Date

Full, Uncut Song of the Soul With Jessica Smucker

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Pain Into Connection, Dark Pop, & Scrabble Mastery

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Jessica Smucker


It was such a pleasure talking with you, Mark!  What a rare treat, being invited to dig deep into the meaning of songs and life. My favorite kind of conversation.

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