Stardust Saltwater to Devil's Darner: Jonathan Foster

Jonathan Foster

Jonathan Foster's music has magic, melody and even some mirth. He's got a deep connection with the Earth, grown out his origins in the shadow of the Adirondacks of the Eastern US, now thriving in the Rockies of Northern California. His alter ego/day job is as a wetland ecologist, glimpses of which peek through his great folk-country-rock lyrics and sounds. I may even get to see him in person, performing in Trempealeau, Wisconsin July 27, 2021, at the Trempealeau Hotel.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Indigenous, Native American, Non-affiliated, Presbyterian

All featured music is written and performed by Jonathan Foster:
Stardust Saltwater - to be released June 2021 on Lantern Shade
River's Name - from Help Me Run album
Like Snow - from Wildlife
The Devil's Darner - from Green Eyed Bird
When It Gets Dark - to be released June 2021 on Lantern Shade

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Stardust Saltwater to Devil's Darner: Jonathan Foster

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Jonathan Foster


It was an honor to share this conversation and my songs with Mark and all the listeners of Song of the Soul, thank you so much!  Mark's interviews are pure artistry that weave connections, stories, joy and music together for all to hear. For anyone reading this after listening, please let us know by leaving a comment, we'd love to hear from you! May our paths cross again, JF

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