Summer 2019 Gems & Jewels

Remembering the Gems & Jewels of Summer 2019 shows, with Jerry Hui (Voices United)Jennifer Evans (Just Folk in Boston)Randall Adams (Wind, Waves, Dreams, & Music)Regla Garcia-Schmidt (Sweet Angel Warrior)John McCutcheon In Person!Joe Iadanza (Long Island's Exceptional Common Man)Ben Reel (Ireland's Darkness & Light), and Steve Suffet (Old-Fashioned Folk Singer).

Featured Music:

Regina Caeli & Regina Caeli a 8 - performed by Schola Cantorum, Gregorian chant & written by Francisco Guerrero - Voices United: full Jerry Hui interview
I Missed Her - from The Last Cheap Hotel - Just Folk in Boston: full Jennifer Evans interview
Oil in the Water - written by Randy's sister, Sandra Odom - Wind, Waves, Dreams, & Music: full Randall Adams interview
Creator - by Regla & Alan Smith - Sweet Angel Warrior: full Regla Garcia-Schmidt interview
Unaware - John McCutcheon In Person: full interview
Common Man - from Common Man - Long Island's Exceptional Common Man: full Joe Iadanza interview
Queen of all Roses - from This Is the Movie - Ireland's Darkness & Light: full Ben Reel interview
Where's My Bagel and Lox? from I've Been Up on the Mountain, co-written with Joel Landy - Old-Fashioned Folk Singer: full Steve Suffet interview

Episode Number


First Air Date

Summer 2019 Gems & Jewels

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Jerry Hui
Jennifer Evans
Randall Adams
Regla Garcia-Schmidt
John McCutcheon
Joe Iadanza
Ben Reel
Steve Suffet


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