Fighting Industrial Agribusiness in CA with Scholarly Tools

Cover of Daniel O'Connell's book, In The Struggle

One of the issues we face in dealing with problems in the USA is the frequent divide between “the common folk” - rural, often farm folks - and the urban populace, often dismissed from the other side as “ivory tower intellectuals”. This is often far from the truth, and today's guest, Daniel O'Connell, raises up the lives of those scholars who have bridged the gap and used their knowledge to even out the economic & political turf in California's San Joaqin Valley, in his thesis-turned-book, In the Struggle: Scholars and the Fight Against Industrial Agribusiness In California. In a century-long struggle, scholars have been fighting the suppression of the compelling evidence that family-sized farms are better, in virtually every way, for the community, as they seek to overturn the increasingly concentrated power of these oligopolies. Read the review in Western Friend by Klara East for an excellent overview, and listen to the Western Friend interview with Daniel.

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Full, uncut Spirit in Action Interview with Daniel O'Connell

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Fighting Industrial Agribusiness in CA with Scholarly Tools

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Daniel O'Connell


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