Forgiveness, Holistic Therapy and Ann Recine

Ann Recine

Ann Recine is working for the world's healing in many ways - she is a Nurse Practitioner with a Holistic Therapy LLC (715-379-5331, 515 S Barstow, Eau Claire), specializing in forgiveness and mindfulness meditation. She is a Third Order Franciscan, and she is also an organizer in the Voices for Peace Institute.

Music Featured:
Forgiveness - Dennis Warner
He's Forgiven You - Carol Johnson
For Real - Bob Franke

First Air Date

Forgiveness, Holistic Therapy and Ann Recine

Audio file

Raised Irish Catholic she took a vow to become Franciscan as a child and again as an adult with her husband. she became a third order Franciscan.
the connections of nursing and forgiveness.
nurse since the ford administration and worked in many areas of nursing.
forgiveness is letting go of the negative while reconciliation is more about facing and reconnecting with those that have harmed you.
Which came first?

Broadcast Date(s)


Ann Recine


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