Yoga & Mindfulness in the Inner City - The Holistic Life Foundation

photo of Ali Smith, Atman Smith & Andres Gonzales

The Holistic Life Foundation does the amazing work of transforming lives & spirits in inner city Baltimore. The basic tools are yoga & mindfulness taught and modeled by 3 men in the hood. Ali Smith, Atman Smith & Andres Gonzales founded HLF fresh out of college in 2001, working with kids, at-risk people, the mentally ill, and everyone else, providing a model for changed and redirected lives.

Featured Music:
Amazing - Cutthroat/Andres Gonzalaz
105 - Cutthroat/Andres Gonzalaz

First Air Date

Yoga & Mindfulness in the Inner City: The Holistic Life Foundation

Audio file

They describe themselves as a walking ashram.
Talking about recidivism, thier family background, their church background, and other things that brought them to this.
Talking about unconditional love, and other aspects of their spiritual background.
And how they ended up doing yoga to help poor kids.
To the white house, madison, denver, and other places
Talking about vegetarianism and how they do at introducing vegetarian foods to low income people who have never experienced them before.

Broadcast Date(s)


Ali Smith
Atman Smith
Andres Gonzales


You caught another big fish with these guys. Hearing about them provides real hope that this world can be transformed before it's too late. 5/13/13

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