Bill Wiese has served as a kind of representative of 6 Eau Claire area churches to UW-Eau Claire in a program known as "The Ministry". Bill, a life-long Methodist, provides a portal to the community for the students and enriches their lives by doing things like teaching free yoga sessions and sharing from his more than a decade under a Native American teacher.
The 6 mainline churches who have hired Bill to create "The Ministry" are Eau Claire's 1st Presbyterian, 1st Congregational UCC, 1st Baptist, Lake Street United Methodist, Chapel Heights United Methodist and Hope United Methodist.
Bill is well-disposed to "meet people where they are", with an open and inquiring mind that looks for value wherever he can find it. Frank Montano and the beauty of the Native American flute drew him into an in-depth study and practice of Native American ways, while curiosity and openness drew him into yoga, all the time without loosing his Methodist roots.
You can email him at or call him at (715) 271-0122.
Music Featured:
Om Asatoma - Deva Premal
Teach Your Children - Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
On Eagle's Wings - R. Carlos Nakai
Jesus - Cat Stevens (AKA Yusuf Islam)
Every Grain of Sand - Bob Dylan
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