ICE Fights Global Warming - Interfaith Community for the Earth

ICE Fights Global Warming - Interfaith Community for the Earth

Dan Dieterich is a founding member of ICE - Interfaith Community for the Earth, an organization formed to fight global warming and promote ecological well-beling. ICE is a member of Wisconsin Interfaith Power & Light. Working at the local level, ICE is a good example of how a small group of folks can harness their energy, in community, to bring about the big changes our world needs. You can contact ICE at or  (715) 344-1063.

Music Featured:
Pointing at the Sun - Cheryl Wheeler
The Woods Are Well - Ken Lonnquist
One Land, One Heart - Walkin' Jim Stoltz

First Air Date

ICE Fights Global Warming - Interfaith Community for the Earth

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Dan Dieterich


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