Marcus Borg, Author of Meeting Jesus Again For the First Time

photo of Marcus Borg

Marcus Borg is a renowned author of numerous books on various aspects of Christianity and a view radically different from those who uncritically approach religion as a one-size-fits-all straight jacket. His thought and teaching require no suspension of our minds, but offer an invitation to an encounter the universal Spirit in a personal and transformative way.

His books include, Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time, The God We Never Knew: Beyond Dogmatic Religion to a More Authentic Contemporary Faith and Living the Heart of Christianity: Putting your Faith Into Action. He writes and speaks of taking the Bible seriously but not literally, and about Jesus as a religious revolutionary.

First Air Date

Marcus Borg, Author of Meeting Jesus Again For the First Time

Audio file

There is a natural development of critical thinking as part of maturing, but fundamentalism results from a refusal to employ critical thinking when examining one's religious beliefs.
Marcus talks about a stage that some people reach when we can find richness and meaning in truths that are independent of the factuality of the stories.
In his early 30's, Marcus was 'converted' from 'closet atheist' due to a serious of personal mystical experiences.
Too few Christians know that for the first 3 centuries, Christians were non-violent, based on Christ's teachings.

Broadcast Date(s)


Marcus Borg


Great show. I'm thinking about playing the show regularly on my community radio station. My only suggestion is finding a new theme song. It felt smaltzy and cheesing rather than dynamic, activist, and engaging. There are great religious songs. I would encourage you to seek them out and choose a better song--perhaps something like Sweet Honey in the Rock, but there are many other options.

While I found Mr. Borg to be articulate and eloquent in his analysis of biblical elements, I missed the connections to everyday life (and the values I hold dear) that I have heard on other Spirit in Action programs.

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