Nashville Homeless - The View from the Street

Nashville Homeless - The View from the Street

Guest host Robert Wolf of American Mosaic shares the poetry, prose, and voices of the homeless people he's worked with over the years. The voices are gritty and real, providing an honest glimpse of life most of us never see. In 1989 Robert started his writing workshops with the homeless of Nashville, and he's gone on to gather writings from all over the country, creating an American Mosaic, both book and radio program, part of Free River Press.

Music Featured:
Homeless in New York - Gwynne Winsberg
Everybody's Lover - Gwynne Winsberg
Nobody Knows a Mucker Like Me - Chuck Suchy
Homeless Brother - Don McLean

First Air Date

Nashville Homeless - The View from the Street

Audio file

Elle Gilbert
James Hill
Jim Mint
Rebel Yell
Robert Roper
Joe Goller

Broadcast Date(s)


Robert Wolf


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