Working for a Just, Nonviolent World: Leah Robshaw Robinson

Leah Robshaw Robinson

We visit with the recent executive director of FNVW/Friends for a Nonviolent World, Leah Robshaw Robinson. Leah's first years with FNVW were as their volunteer engagement specialist, and early in COVID she took the executive director post, where she oversaw & facilitated their programs like AVP (Alternatives to Violence Project)People Camp, the Everyday Nonviolence Podcast, and much more. Her prep for such social activism work included her BA in The History of Social Resistance and Transformation from Earlham College in Richmond, IN. She recently moved to working with Avivo, whose mission is to increase “well-being through recovery and career advancement while working to end homelessness.”

You can also check out Ricardo Levins Morales, The Violence Project, the Centre for Holding Space, & Minneapolis Community Education.

Past/present religious/spiritual influences: Presbyterian, Quaker, Baptist

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Working for a Just, Nonviolent World: Leah Robshaw Robinson

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Leah Robshaw Robinson


Leah, How articulate you are, and how informative and inspirational this hour with you on Spirit in Action has been.  I knew a lot about FNVW and now I know more, and good to learn more about your life and involvement.  I'm sure you'll be just as productive in your new position, PLUS you'll have more time with your kids!  

Good discussion, Mark.

Thank you, Mark, for the honor of being a guest on Spirit in Action! Listening to your show gives me inspiration and hope. 

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