Organic Farming VS Koch Industries - Turn Here, Sweet Corn

photo of Atina Diffley seated in a field

In Turn Here, Sweet Corn: Organic Farming WorksAtina Diffley shares the story of the Gardens of Eagan and Atina's personal story of learning female empowerment, organic farming, and successfully taking on an oil pipeline owned by the infamous Koch Brothers. Mixing vivid stories, earth-centered spirituality, and organic expertise, Atina is a true Spirit in Action. She is an organic consultant with Organic Farming Works, LLC.

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Organic Farming VS Koch Industries - Turn Here, Sweet Corn: Atina Diffley

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Before Atina was an organic farmer, she cared for Anita Koenen on the land currently known as the Koenen Land Preserve - and accidently spent a night sleeping in poison ivy!

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Atina Diffley


Very nice. As an organic gardener myself, I found the story of growing $80,000 of Kale on two acres (if I heard that right) quite awesome. I can imagine how traumatized I would be if my neighbors killed the land right next to ours. It's all beautiful forestland on all four sides right now.

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