Soul Repair - Recovering From Moral Injury After War - Rita Nakashima Brock

Soul Repair - Recovering From Moral Injury After War - Rita Nakashima Brock

Rita Nakashima Brock is a theologian, teacher, and co-author of Soul Repair- Recovering From Moral Injury After War. She was an organizer of the 2010 Truth Commission on Conscience in War, and she recently became the co-director of the Soul Repair Center at Brite Divinity School. Her thoughts and stories are profound and transforming..

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Soul Repair - Recovering From Moral Injury After War - Rita Nakashima Brock

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Rita Nakashima Brock


I'm pretty sure I listened to this before because I have mentioned it to a caller on the crisis line where I work who was describing a classic case of moral injury to me. Thanks.

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