Race, Place & Grace - Where & How I Grew Up

Rodney Long and Selika Ducksworth-Lawton

2nd installment of a discussion about race, racism, & the grace leading to solutions, with perspectives from 2 African-Americans. Selika Ducksworth-Lawton was raised in New Orleans, but now graces Eau Claire, WI, a heavily white city, with her wide-ranging activism, including her leadership in the work of Uniting Bridges, and as professor of history at UW-Eau Claire. She recently received the UW-EC MLK Social Justice AwardRodney Long Jr. has worked as an addictions counselor, social worker, & mental health counselor in Akron, OH, his hometown. Rodney kicked off this conversation with an article in Friends Journal entitled Before My Life Matters to You, Let It Matter to Me

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Baptist, Catholic, Evangelical Christian, Quaker

Featured Music:
Where I Grew Up - by Chester McCoy

Episode Number


First Air Date

Race, Place & Grace - Where & How I Grew Up

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Selika Ducksworth-Lawton
Rodney Long, Jr.


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