WNPJ Fall Assembly: Elena Terry, Alan Chavoya, & Samer Alatout

Three speeches from the October 19th meeting of the Fall Assembly of the Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice. In our broadcast version we'll have only two of the three speakers, but the podcast version will have all three of them, sharing on a range of peace and justice topics. First up, only in the uncut version, is the inspirational and talented Elena Terry, member of the Ho-Chunk tribe, food sovereignty advocate and activist, and founder of WildBearies. Also presenting is Alan Chavoya, Outreach Chair of the Milwaukee Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, and we'll conclude with Professor Samer Alatout, a Palestinian American who participated in the encampment at UW-Madison.

Episode Number


First Air Date

Full, uncut WNPJ Fall Assembly Speakers

Audio file

WNPJ Fall Assembly: Elena Terry, Alan Chavoya, & Samer Alatour

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Elena Terry
Alan Chavoya
Samer Alatout


Thanks so much Northern Spirit Radio - for highlighting these fine speakers - from the 33rd Annual WI Network for Peace and Justice FAll ASsembly, Oct 2024! www.wnpj.org. 

You're one of our 85 member groups across the state of WI! https://www.wnpj.org/member-organizations-list/northern-spirit-radio

Well done!

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