Segregated Blackball to Major Leagues - The Saga of Satchel Paige

Segregated Blackball to Major Leagues - The Saga of Satchel Paige

Larry Tye's recent book is SATCHEL: The Life and Times of an American Legend. Satchel Paige was a trail-blazer in the times when African-Americans were segregated from whites in their neighborhoods, schools, drinking fountains and on the ball field and Larry Tye chronicles Satchel's long march to color-blind recognition with the feel of an gripping adventure.

Music included in this program:
Cross That Line - by John McCutcheon on Sermon on the Mound

First Air Date

Segregated Blackball to Major Leagues - The Saga of Satchel Paige

Audio file

His father and his connection to Booker T Washington
The other strain of thought about segregation
How the generations of Satchel Paige and Jackie Robinson differed in the ways they dealt with discrimination
Satchels morals
Larrys motivations for writing this book.
The overview of who Satchel Page was.

Broadcast Date(s)


Larry Tye


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