Sex & Sexuality, Part 1

photo of Peter smiling

Peter Alsop has the wit & talent to discuss tough topics in a way that can open eyes & change minds. Today & next week he'll talk with us about love, sex, sex roles, sexuality and more. Peter is a great combination of deep thinker & musician, humorous & creative lyricist, and educational psychologist. Among other places, find this songs in the video of Alsop for Adults Concert: Peter's Song on Love, Sex & Gender.

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Peter Alsop:

It's Only A Wee-Wee
Let The Woman In You Come Through
Baby Needs a parent
Don't Put Your Hand In My Pants
My Body

First Air Date

Sex & Sexuality, Part 1

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Peter Alsop


I was excited about the gender neutral language in "Baby needs a parent", so I was a little bit disappointed when the song didn't mention the possibility of having two moms or two dads. Any insight into why this choice was made?

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