Widening Circle of Care

When we find that even well-loved and previously-respected icons are dropping left & right, we need to be asking what we can do to encourage healthy, thoughtful, & non-predatory male sexuality. Fortunately, Peter Alsop has been exploring & walking just such a path with his music for decades, taking on all the related, thorny issues with wit, insight, & song. After all, Peter is an educational psychologist, as well as a wonderful musician. Also find him on Facebook.

All Featured Music is by Peter Alsop:

A Good TIme - on Asleep At The Helm and on Songs On Sex & Sexuality
Give Yourself A Hand - on Fan Club Favorites
Hollaback - on River of Life, and check out iHollaback.org - Global, People-powered Movement to End Harassment
Let's Not Do This Anymore - on River of Life

First Air Date

Widening Circle of Care

Audio file

Sugar, sex, and many other things can be used obsessively and addictively to medicate hard feelings.

Broadcast Date(s)


Peter Alsop


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