Wellness Shack of Eau Claire Benefit

Mental Health

The Wellness Shack is a consumer-run non-profit organization for adults with mental illness, working to educate the public about mental illness and to eliminate some of the misperceptions and stigma with mental illness through self-education, socialization, and accepting yourself. The October 12th, 2007 benefit featured music performed by Poppy Moelter & Troy Jackson, and poetry written by Savannah Rhae & Nora Bates.

The Wellness Shack is at 515 S Barstow St, Suite 117 in Eau Claire and their phone is 715-855-7705.

Music shared in this program is by Poppy Moelter:
Healing Days
White Pine
Water's Changing

First Air Date

Wellness Shack of Eau Claire Benefit

Audio file

Savannah Rhae has been my guest for Song of the Soul before, and has lately face a diagnosis of cancer. She's also been labeled manic-depressive and is grappling with the life and God, including through the poetry she shares.
Savannah shares two poems about her growing awareness of her inner being, her inner mental health.
Nora talks, through her poem, of how she got acquainted with the voices in her head and of her path to self-acceptance and mental balance.

Broadcast Date(s)


Poppy Moelter, Troy Jackson, Savannah Rhae, Nora Bates


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