Blessing to All My Relations

First Air Date

Who do you know who speaks at least 3 languages, has lived in several countries, performed between Renaissance Fairs year-round for 10 years, writes & sings profoundly deep & moving songs, and can play the harp & the 12-string guitar simultaneouslyAriane Lydon and no one else (to my knowlege)! Living in the Midwest for a couple decades now, Ariane brings a world of beautiful music to our land.

Leftover Dreams & Peace of the Present

First Air Date

Patrice Haan has been part of the leadership of the Bay Area Folk Harp Society, producing music with an instrument wonderfully compatible with her voice & lyrics. She has 2 CDs on her own, and another 2 as part of the duet Leftover Dreams. Whether she's singing the water-infused songs of her own pen, sharing healing in hospitals with Healing Muses or performing the jazz/torch song music of Leftover Dreams, there's loads of heart & Spirit to bask in.