Ralph Jacobson has been a steadfast advocate for solar since he founded IPS Solar in 1991. In 2017 they became the fastest-growing Twin Cities Business, all the more rewarding because of their practice of inviting women & people of color into the mostly male-dominated industry, and for Ralph's effort to use MnVest.org (Minnesota Investment Crowdfunding) to jump-start solarization of the Red Lake Nation reservation.
Viking Economics
George Lakey really packs a punch with his book, Viking Economics: How the Scandinavians Got It Right - And How We Can Too
Evolutionary Cultural Design
Pamela Boyce Simms refers to herself as a Buddhist-Quaker Evolutionary Culture designer. She has worked as convenor of the Mid-Atlantic Transition Hub (MATH), and currently represents Quaker Earthcare Witness at the United Nations. New Jersey born-and-raised, Pamela's journey has included decades living in West Africa and living in a Buddhist monastery.
Jesus Made Me a Communist
Charley Earp is honestly devoted to the religiously-inspired communism of his youth, without apology or irony.
Workers vs Owners: Shafted
In Incident at the Bruce Mine Shaft, Stephen Ivancic uses historical fiction to highlight the real life issues around workers, unions, and opportunistic capitalists. Set in the iron mines of Northern Minnesota in the 1920s and focusing on the Finnish workers, some communist, some not, Stephen helps us to understand the dynamics of individualism, community, and power.
Addressing Upstream
Instead of just handling emergencies downstream, Up The River Endeavors creatively seeks to fix the causes of our problems. Peter Alsop's newest album, River of Life is full of songs growing out of Peter's connections with Mal Jones and Up The River Endeavors.