This Is Our Place & Time - Ken Lonnquist's Song of the Soul

October 7, 2021

Ken Lonnquist is change-making, environmental activist, humorous & serious type of singer/songwriter. Ken produces a wide array of musical styles, though folkish is sort of home base for him. You'll find a spirit of deep connection with the Earth and a musical talent to add riches to your musical experience in Madison, Wisconsin, with Ken.

Simple, Soulful, Sacred Singing - Milwaukee Friends Meeting

October 7, 2021

While traditional Quaker worship, based on silence, has no scheduled singing as part of worship, Quakers are among the singing-est and dancing-est of folks around. Don Pardee did a simple recording of 6 folks from Milwaukee Friends Meeting singing a sampling of songs they share Sunday mornings before worship. Jim Schacht, Don Pardee, & Andrea Jehly share about the music they made, along with Sally Durgerian, Kay Augustine, and Jennifer Dahlquist.

Change Is Gonna Come - Kiya Heartwood's Song of the Soul

October 7, 2021

Kiya Heartwood has an amazing assemblage of musical influences, from folk to hard rock and punk rock, plus her degree in composing. She was with Radio Cafe, then on Arista records with Stealin Horses, and settled into a long spell with Miriam Davidson as Wishing Chair, and CDs & books by Kiya and Meg Barnhouse are available at

World Stretching - Richard Bruxvoort Colligan's Song of the Soul

October 7, 2021

Richard Bruxvoort Colligan is a passionate singer/songwriter with a difference - his degree from United Theological Seminary in the Twin Cities. Whether making acoustic music on his own, singing with his wife as River's Voice, creating liturgical music, or writing on his blog called 'World Stretching', you'll find a kind, deep heart & mind poured out through beautiful melodies. He's also a founder of the Progressive Christian Artists Network.

Turning Toward the Morning - Gordon Bok's Song of the Soul

October 7, 2021

Gordon Bok is one of the greats of folk music, with many songs coming from the sea, or the edge of the sea, where he lives. He delivers them with a depth and a resonance that echos deep in the soul. With 22 of his own recordings, plus collaborations with Ann Muir, Ed Trickett, Cindy Kallet, among others, Gordon Bok has created and passed on an immense wealth of balladry and inspiration.

Unbelief, Rejoicing, & Tears Through Hip Hop/Rap - AGAPE

October 7, 2021

AGAPE* (David Scherer) does deep, searching, inspirational, hip-hop/rap music calling listeners to a closer connection to God. Son of hippie-Lutheran parents, the lone white kid in an inner city school, Dave comes from great stuff and leads us there as well. Completely real, Dave is a tonic for those who despair of real Spirit in the Church.