Grace Goes To Prison

Melanie Snyder

Melanie G. Snyder is author of Grace Goes To Prison which tells the story of Grace Marie Hamilton's growing and deepening work in Pennsylvania prisons, covering a wide variety of initiatives and programs aimed at reforming, improving and humanizing the lives of prisoners. Melanie also interacts with the legal system in her work as a restorative justice mediator. The full name of the book is Grace Goes to Prison: An Inspiring Story of Hope and Humanity and Melanie is currently traveling around the country speaking about both the book and the US prison system.

First Air Date

Grace Goes To Prison

Audio file

And how she came to write the book.
and how she ended up in the brethren and her families connection to the church.
The Christmas postcard program and its effects
Restorative justice work she has done.
The story of Michael, his crime and his redemption by his victims help.
How the system is dysfunctional and the solutions that Melanie gives.

Broadcast Date(s)


Melanie Snyder


Melanie, What a wonderful message.....I look forward so much to having you here in Idaho......

Enjoyed hearing Melanie recount the formation of the book and appreciate Northern Spirit taking the time and energy to support informative and inspirational news.

I appreciate what Melanie is doing now to make the work of Grace better known, and also the work that Grace has done.

How wonderful to have a radio program where people like Melanie Snyder can share what they are doing to bring light, peace and justice to our world. Thank you for providing a voice for people who are seeking bring compassion and light to others.

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