Singing In Prison

Cover of Redemption Songs by Andy Douglas

Andy Douglas is author of Redemption Songs – A Year In The Life of a Prison Community Choir, a piercing look inside US prisons, and he is also author of a memoir The Curve of the World: Into the Spiritual Heart of Yoga, about his 7 years in Asia as a devotee and monk with Ananda MargaRedemption Songs is a powerful & personal book, about the US prison industry, but also, especially, about Andy Douglas's experience of singing in a choir of prison-insiders and prison-outsiders.

Featured Music:
Beauty Before Me – performed by the Oakdale Community Choir
Eso, Eso – arranged & performed by Andy Douglas


Episode Number


First Air Date

Full, Uncut Interview With Andy Douglas

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Singing In Prison

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Broadcast Date(s)


Andy Douglas


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