Artists Changing the World

Music by 6 of the top 13 finalists of the 2018 Songs of Social Change contest, rich in world-changing energy and genres, with influences from Canada, Equador, Japan, New Mexico, and everywhere. December 1, 2019 is deadline for the this year's contest.. Songs of Social Change is a project of the Renaissance Artists and Writers Association (, led by Dada Veda, part of Ananda Marga.

Featured Music:
Beverly - by Ablett and Cooper
It Could be You - by The Fairest and Best
Get Ur Hands Up - by G Precious
If You are Not Outraged - by Generations (Mike and Aleksi Glick)
We Declare Peace - by SkyBridge
Keep it Up - by Eljuri

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Artists Changing the World

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Dada Veda


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