Pain, Dark, Heart, Land, Protest, & Belief - Songs of Social Change Vol. 5

Songs of Social Change Volume 5

Andy Douglas was a judge for the 2020 Songs for Social Change, Volume 5, a product of the Renaissance Artists & Writers Association. Included in the top 10 were Alastair MoockJason Horowitz & The Whiskey FarmAnita AysolaJeremy FacknitzDan Miraldi, and Sam Price & the True Believers. Check out Andy and his books, The Curve of the World: Into the Spiritual Heart of Yoga and Redemption Songs: A Year in the Life of a Community Prison Choir.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Ananda Marga, Eastern, Presbyterian, Yoga

Featured music from Song for Social Change, Volume 5 :
Be a Pain - Alastair Moock, watch the video
In the Darkness - Jason Horowitz/The Whiskey Farm, watch the video
Heartbeat - Anita Aysola, watch the video
Land Fills - Jeremy Facknitz, watch the video
Sweet Sound of Protest - Dan Miraldi, watch the video
We Believe - Sam Price & the True Believers, watch the video

Episode Number


First Air Date

Full, uncut, Song of the Soul with Andy Douglas - Songs of Social Change, Volume 5

Audio file

Pain, Dark, Heart, Land, Protest, & Belief - Songs of Social Change Vol. 5

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Andy Douglas


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