Self-Realization & Songs for Social Change

The mission of Ananda Marga is self-realization & service to humanity, and one of the ways they do this is the work of RAWA (Renaissance Artists and Writers Association). They hold an annual contest of Songs for Social Change and today we look at the fruits of their 2017 submissions & CD with Dada Veda who oversees the contest.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Eastern, Yoga 

Featured music from Song for Social Change, Volume 2 :
Songs of Resistance - by The Whiskey Farm
The Difference - by Every Soul 
My Daily Bread - by Lisa Ann Wright
Umoja - by Jamal Moore 
I Choose Love - by Shawn Galloway

Episode Number


First Air Date

Self-Realization & Songs for Social Change

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Dada Veda


Many thanks to the folks at RAWA who give us "social commentary" songwriters the opportunity to share our work -- and to be heard. Much appreciated! And thanks, Northern Spirit Radio for your work in helping to make this world a little bit kinder.

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