Apocalypse? NOT!!! - Grand Archdruid John Michael Greer, Part 2

Apocalypse? NOT!!! - Grand Archdruid John Michael Greer Part 2

John Michael Greer is author of 27 books on topics like peak oil, nature-based economics, and druidry - because he is Grand Archdruid of the Ancient Order of Druids in America. One of his latest books is Apocalypse NOT: Everything You Know About 2012, Nostradamus and the Rapture is Wrong.

Music included in this program:
Old Time Religion - Tom Rawson
Magic in the Moon - Chris Pfeiffer

First Air Date

Apocalypse? NOT!!! - Grand Archdruid John Michael Greer

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John Michael Greer


I'm not sure he knows that much more than us listeners, but he sure can speak his mind well!

Very engaging interview. Mr. Greer knows the subject very well, speaks eloquently and offers some wonderful insights. I read this book last year and was entertained and educated at the same time.

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