Climate Apocalyse, Messaging, & Pets

Guest-host Peterson Toscano of Citizens Climate Radio explores climate apocalypse, fear, & how to deliver the message effectively, in the first part of today's program, and in part two he'll talk about pets & climate change. Peterson speaks with Halldor Björnsson, the Head of the Atmospheric Research Group at Veðurstofa Iceland also known as the Icelandic Met Office, Dr. Kristian Bjørkdahl who has earned a PhD in rhetoric and continues his studies at the Centre for Development and the Environment, at the University of Oslo, and Dr. Steva Stowell-Hardcastle.

First Air Date

Climate Apocalyse, Messaging, & Pets

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Halldor Björnsson
Kristian Bjørkdahl
Steva Stowell-Hardcastle


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