Healing from Prison & Racism: Carl Fields

Carl Fields

Carl Fields emerged from 16 years in prison with a passion & a gift for healing. In addition to his work a program manager with the Hospitality Center at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, he has been on the board of EXPO Wisconsin, heads ROC (Restoring Our Communities) with Racine Interfaith Coalition, and was just appointed to the new Mayoral Task Force on Police Reform for Racine, WI.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Baptist, Buddhism, Non-denominational Christian

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Healing from Prison & Racism: Carl Fields

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Carl Fields


What a breath of fresh air! Thank you for this inspiring incredible program with Carl Fields. I am truly touched and excited hearing about his work in the world. I can't wait to learn more about his work and how I can support more him and his mission of deeply healing transformative heart work in the world

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