Sandra Lyons/Bernadine Franciscan Sisters

Sandra Lyons

Our guest is Sandra Lyons of the Bernardine Franciscan Sisters. Sandra shares the roots and fruits of her life, including her years as a nurse midwife and her current passion as the director of Justice, Peace and Earthcare for her congregation.

Sandra Lyons joined the Bernardine Franciscan Sister in 1964. She credits her 8 years as a nurse midwife, in particular, as deepening her sensitivity to the poor & oppressed, leading her to participate in the School of the Americas Watch, a witness against the Georgia-based training center for (often abusive) foreign military and para-military forces, and to take part in a number of rallies and demonstrations for peace and justice. She has served her congregation these past 3 years as director of Justice, Peace and Earthcare, traveling internationally to learn and deepen her understanding of related issues, and learning how to live life as she understands Jesus to call us to. Her recent travels have taken her to the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, South Africa, Zambia - and to Washington, DC, for the September "End the War - Bring Them Home Now" Rally.

Music Featured:
One In A Million - John McCutcheon
We Shall Overcome - Joan Baez

Episode Number


First Air Date

Sandra Lyons of the Bernadine Franciscan Sisters

Audio file

How she learned about the affects of cafta and her asking about how she can help the people of the third world.
Talking about going to a protest where the protesters demonstrated the indecency of war.
her description of what she would call the earthcare part of her organization. and talking about caring for the earth as a religious belief.
Talking about that she travels as part of her job and about how she got the job. also talking about how she wants to fight the injustice of the world.

Broadcast Date(s)


Sandra Lyons


I hate to bother you, but I have been looking for a friend of mine by the name of Sandra Lyons. I knew her in Hawai'i in 1963-1964. Her father was stationed in Hawai'i as was mine. We originally met at Radford High School (she subsequently went to Saint Francis). Would it be possible to forward this meassage to your guest and see if she is possibly the Sandra I knew? If you are not able to accomodate this request I will understand. I have thought and prayed for her often over the years. Respectfully and gratefully, Jack Frost 509.929.1950 2900 Canyon RD, SP 59 Ellensburg WA 98926

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