Choose the Sky - Blue O'Connell's Song of the Soul

Blue O'Connell uses her music to heal with her training in Therapeutic Music and as a Certified Music Practitioner, this in addition to her stagework and other singing/songwriting. Perhaps the most astonding fact - for roughly half her life she's been profoundly deaf!

All the songs in this program are written & performed by Blue O'Connell::
Choose the Sky
Once I Was the Wind
How Will I Know
Mystery Song
Let the Music Come
Owl's Dream
River Runs Through


Episode Number


First Air Date

Choose the Sky - Blue O'Connell's Song of the Soul

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Blue O'Connell


Hey Renee  

Just stumbled across you in the Google. I can't believe how great you sound and really am pissed ive missed this for so long.

Trying to buy Choose the sky 

But having some trouble.

I'll figure it out 

So proud to call you my friend and really proud of your talents and hopefully your success. 

Hope to come through Charlotte dome time and give you a hug. 


Peace to you and yours.

Rob Wright 423-258-5877 




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