Swords Into Plowshares, Warheads Into Windmills

Cover of Warheads to Windmills

Timmon B. Wallis takes his life-long efforts for peace and the future of the planet to new depths and heights with his book, Warheads to Windmills - Preventing Climate Catastrophe and Nuclear War. In the book, Tim examines in thorough detail the threats that both nuclear weapons and climate change hold for the future of our planet, and then the wide range of factors implicit in our weaponry and energy sources, leading to a meticulous consideration of the agenda which will maximize the possibility of saving humans and the Earth, essentially beating swords into plowshares. Tim has spent his life building the tools of peace & getting rid of the weapons of war. Tim's Ph.D. is in Peace Studies, and he's worked with Peace Brigades IntlPeaceworkers UKNonviolent Peaceforce, and Peace & Disarmament for Quaker Peace & Social Witness in the UK. He is currently Executive Director of NuclearBan.US. Along the way, Tim has also written songs, available at TheBoldSongs.com.

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Swords Into Plowshares, Warheads Into Windmills

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Timmon Wallis


Thank you, Spirit in Action, for this inspiring conversation with Tim Wallis of NuclearBan.US and author of “Warheads to Windmills: Preventing  Climate Catastrophe and Nuclear War.”
Your work at Northern Spirit Radio, Mark, brings relentless light to bear on our ever-darkening landscapes and helps keep our hope alive. We hope to see you at Tim’s live presentation at 6:30 pm on May 16, 2024, at the UU Congregation in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Listeners can read more about the book and track Tim’s speaking dates/locations across the country at his campaign website at warheadstowindmills.org. 

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