Highlights of Sept 2014
Highlights of September 2014

Why is a Jewish kid writing of hymns? Why should a social science graduate work in churches? What is Alzheimer's like, in terms of real life stories? What does a radio outlet mean for folk music activists?

Glimpses from Light, Learning, Hip-Hop, and the Darkside (Rabbi Darkside), Holistic Ministry (Dawn Ravella), Alzheimer’s from the Inside: Fear, Anger, Faith & Healing (Greg O'Brien), and Money, Mines, Mountains, & Magpie Music.

Rabbi Darkside
Light, Learning, Hip-Hop, and the Darkside

Rabbi Darkside's website tells us to "Use the force to enter" - enter the world of Hip Hop culture and rap music and alternative ways of connecting the world. Sam Sellers is Rabbi Darkside, a creative, emotive, healing force who was raised Jewish and self-describes as a secular humanist who practices Kum Nye meditation.

Kris Gruen
A NYC Seed Blooming in Vermont

Kris Gruen started out in NYC, but has been fed and thrived in the natural world, including Vermont with his farmer wife and as station director of WGDR/WGDH, Plainfield, VT. Kris has a style all his own, combining mystic poetry with new folk influences, and with the Kris Gruen secret ingredient.

Greg O'Brien
Alzheimer’s from the Inside: Fear, Anger, Faith & Healing

Investigative reporter Greg O'Brien shares the inside story of coping with Alzheimer's Disease, an experience that mixes faith and fury.

Dawn Ravella
Holistic Ministry

Dawn Ravella does amazing and varied work for the healing of the world - restorative justice and prison ministries, food pantries and homeless shelters, education on social justice issues, and on and on. She is currently Director of Mission and Outreach at The Reformed Church of Bronxville, and has served Presbyterian and Catholic churches in similar roles, in addition to her work as a holistic therapist. Dawn is gentle, unstoppable, and inspired.

You can listen to our Song of the Soul interview with her husband, Glen Roethel, here.

Music Featured:
I Have No Hands But Yours - Carol Johnson

Chris Tomlinson
Curing Down-home Racism on Tomlinson Hill

In writing this book, Chris Tomlinson asks himself the question, "What crimes had my ancestors committed to maintain their power and privilege? Did they know what they did was wrong? As an American and Texan, I wanted to understand the sins of our fathers."

Penny Rosenwasser
Justice Powered from Healing Within

Penny Rosenwasser is author of several books, including her latest, Hope Into Practice: Jewish Women Choosing Justice Despite Our Fears, an activist's call to repair the world. Penny is a "life-long heartfelt, rabble-rouser for social Justice" with a Ph.D. in Transformative Learning & Change.

Other books by Penny Rosenwasser:
Visionary Voices, Women on Power: Conversations with shamans, activists, teachers, artists and healers
Voices from a ‘Promised Land:’ Palestinian & Israeli peace activists speak their hearts

Alissa Wilson
Practical Idealist & Advocacy for Africa

Focusing on the African countries of Burundi & Somalia, Alissa Wilson is AFSC's Public Education & Advocacy Coordinator for Africa. She has served in Americorps, was an election observer in Nigeria, and is co-author of Practical Idealists: Changing the World and Getting Paid.

Featured Music:
Sweet Mother - Prince Nico Mbarga

Spirited Tribe

Tribe1 is a growing, morphing, evolving, group of musicians, orchestrated by Niyonu Spann, who express their testimony and aspirations for the world through the songs they co-create - it's a pretty special process! Jonathan Snipes & Ingrid Lakey, 2 of about 10 members of the group, share their soul journey with Tribe1.

Glen Roethel
Positively Unfolding!

Possibilities always surround us, and we can use lemons to make a sour face, or to serve a lemonade feast to all our acquaintances. In spite of a challenging start to life including bad role models, abandonment, and some JD points, Glen Roethel received grace through adoption and has chosen to pass it on. Part of the House Band for the Posi Awards for many years, Glen seeks to uplift and shine Light. Check out his music & greeting cards on InspireLine.com.