ABC's of Islamism - Raheel Raza

Raheel Raza

Raheel Raza speaks out powerfully, as a Muslim, for the rights of women & other marginalized minorities, and for an unblinking and compassionate approach to differences, including the threats posed by extremists within the religion to which she is devoted. Among her books is How Can You Possibly Be a Muslim Feminist?, and her latest book is The ABCs of Islamism: Everything You Wanted to Know about Radical Islam But Were Afraid to Ask. She was born in Pakistan, arriving in Canada some 30 years ago. Ran Meir, former Israeli correspondent with the Clarion Project, joins as co-host.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:

Episode Number


First Air Date

Full, Uncut Interview With Raheel Raza

Audio file

ABC's of Islamism - Raheel Raza

Audio file

Broadcast Date(s)


Raheel Raza
Ran Meir


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