Unwanted Children & Traumatized Foreign Boys

Will the issues every stop repeating themselves? Everything is not about the Bible, but a good share of everything is in the Bible, at least if you look with the discerning eyes of Peterson Toscano, a gay man who produces the monthly Citizen's Climate Radio blog, and Liam Hooper, a North Carolinian trans man of Ministries Beyond Welcome. In this episode of Bible Bash they look at the experience of being the unacceptable/unloved child (like Ismael) and the foreign boy with a need for a caring adult (Daniel with Ebed Malech). Long ago stories, but so relevant today, like on the southern US border.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Evangelical Christian, Quaker, UCC - United Church of Christ

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Unwanted Children & Traumatized Foreign Boys

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Peterson Toscano
Liam Hooper


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