Resisting Empire, Being Transgender, Being Human - Bible Bash

Spirit in Action - Bible Bash

When viewed with non-gender conforming eyes, the Bible has lessons that can be used to heal, instead of serving repression & exclusion. Everything is not about the Bible, but a good share of everything is in the Bible, at least if you look with the discerning eyes of Peterson Toscano, a gay man who produces the monthly Citizens Climate Radio blog, and Liam Hooper, a North Carolinian trans man of Ministries Beyond Welcome. In this episode of Bible Bash, we'll look at the various subversive ways Daniel survived and resisted the Babylonian Empire, including the way that oppressed people often must caretake their oppressors, a behavior that is true for LGBTQ people and many others. We'll also hear a bilingual reading of Federico Garcia Lorca's poem, Madrigales. In the second half, Joy Ladin shares from her book, Through the Door of Life: a Jewish Journey Between Genders with insights about Jonah. Joy holds the Gottesman Chair in English at Yeshiva University, and, in 2007, became the first (and still only) openly transgender employee of an Orthodox Jewish institution.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Jewish, Quaker, UCC - United Church of Christ

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Resisting Empire, Being Transgender, Being Human - Bible Bash

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Peterson Toscano
Liam Hooper
Joy Ladin


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