Peace Learning Center of Milwaukee

PLC - Milwaukee

The Peace Learning Center (PLC) of Milwaukee started out in 2002 teaching the 4th graders of one school vital skills of non-violent conflict resolution. Based on a tremendously successful, city-wide project in Indianapolis, Milwaukee's PLC has grown rapidly, now teaching peace skills to 16 schools, with more projects on the way.

Phyllis Berentsen is a founder and board member of the PLC, and Karen Swanson and Darrell Smith are workshop facilitators. You can email the PLC at

Music Featured:
Use a Word -Red Grammer
Teaching Peace - Red Grammer

First Air Date

Peace Learning Center of Milwaukee

Audio file

How the quakers built the building and found a great use in that program.
He was involved in an afterschool tutoring project and then heard about this program through the quaker meeting house.

Broadcast Date(s)


Phyllis Berentsen
Karen Swanson
Darrell Smith


i live abou t 60 miles east of fort wane in. on u.s. 24 im menber of fort wane meeting. im log on northernspiritradio every sunday fort wane meeting is menber of in. and ovym yearly meeting. keep the g ood work up. add me on your e mail. friend, miles l. joseph

Mark -- As one of the participants in your interview, I want to say that you did a terrific job of pulling it all together. I am very pleased with the results that aired today. Phyllis

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