Peter Alsop - Humor & Song as tools for growth, change and insight - Part 1

photo of Peter smiling

Peter Alsop does many types of work. He's an educational psychologist, a motivational speaker, recipient of 7 Best Children's Album awards, a trainer of therapists, counselors, teachers, parents and kids. He mixes humor and insight in profound, amusing and healing ways.

Music Featured - all by Peter Alsop:

It's Only A Wee-Wee
Hopelessly Heterosexual
Let The Woman In You Come Through
My Body
Little Kid
Itsy Spider
You Ain't Been Doin' Nothin' If They Haven't Called You Gay

First Air Date

Peter Alsop - Humor & Song as tools for growth, change and insight - Part 1

Audio file

and using the song of itsy bitsy spider to talk about fear of trying new things.
Having courage instead of fear. how both bullies and their victims are based in fear. How his version of itsy bitsy spider is about having the courage to try new things. the bystanders who watch these things happen and Marks action to intervene with a kid that was being troublesome. And the need to teach people how to intervene in constructive ways.
Dealing with painful feelings and the consequenses of not doing it. and then the song "My Body" and the uses and history of the song.
and talking about the song "hopelessy hetersexual:. about things that are not allowed to be talked about but really need to be talked about.
His best songs are about promoting discussion and about dealing with things that need dealing with but that nobody really likes talking about and dealing with.
and how to deflect the negative stuff that people throw your way. and how people are called terrorist and communist for simply not being who the people who want to control them want them to be and standing up to them. He had his daughter call him a faggot and taught her what that word was about. Then the start of the song "you aint been doing nothing if they haven't called you gay"
but they also need to find their inner safe adult. They need to find the part of them that is willing to take risks and make a stand against those that will hurt them. They also need to face the emotions that they have. He doesnt like to call children spoiled. He wants to find the behaviour that causes people to call them spoiled and help people deal with the behavior.
He finds that music works to get ideas across. So he uses humor and music to say things that need to be said but people are uncomfortable or afraid to talk about. The best thing is to get people to think about stuff that one wouldnt think about otherwise.

Broadcast Date(s)


Peter Alsop


A very important topic -- healthy sexual attitudes for all ages! Little bit of hum from Mr. Alsop on the phone.

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