Really, Really Free Market in Eau Claire

cartoon of two hands holding a cone-shaped bowl and pouring rice out of it

Dan and Cassie Green, and Cassie's sister, Gina Casillas, had a great idea to help enrich and transform Eau Claire - a place where people can share their abundance, freely - their material wealth as well as their wealth of talent. Following the example of Really, Really Free Markets elsewhere, they are working to build generosity, community and meet needs in a way that cares for the environment and takes our world citizenship seriously.

If you would like information about the Really, Really Free Market in Eau Claire, Dan, Cassie and Gina Casillas invite you to call them at 715-797-9703, or feel free to email them.

Music featured on this program includes:

Share the Land - The Guess Who
The Wheel Song - The Billys
It's The Economy, Stupid - John McCutcheon
Mountains of Things - Tracy Chapman
Love Grows One By One - Carol Johnson

Episode Number


First Air Date

Really, Really Free Market in Eau Claire

Audio file

Asked about people who might hoard things out of fear the guests give their experiences of the people that come there.
The only rule is that if you bring something you have to stay to the end. They are trying to do the exact opposite that capitalist markets do.
They have found that the opposite is true, that the free nature of their market might get people thinking about their acquisitiveness. Their main stated goal is to build community.
going to a church or a mall you have to have what you need to go there either beliefs or money. the really free market requires nothing.
Trying to bring the community out and eliminate waste.

Broadcast Date(s)


Dan Green
Cassie Green


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