A World of Civil Resistance

Cover of Civil Resistance Tactics in the 21st Century

Michael Beer, director of Nonviolence International since 1998, has just released his book, Civil Resistance Tactics in the 21st Century. In it, Michael has updated Gene Sharp's seminal text training the world in the value of nonviolent tactics. In this conversation, Michael Beer & Mark Helpsmeet examine wide-ranging examples of civil resistance & nonviolent actions to better understand the broad array of possibilities. Watch the book release webinar video, including Véronique DudouetJamila Raqib, and remember to check out the invaluable Nonviolent Tactics Database. Also check out resources like the Global Nonviolent Action Database at Swarthmore, the ICNC, and the Albert Einstein Institution, among others.

Past/current religious/spiritual influences:
Jewish, Quaker

Episode Number


First Air Date

Civil Resistance Around The World

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Broadcast Date(s)


Michael Beer


What a strong interview on Michael's effort to expand and refine Gene Sharp's 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action from 1973. This can help activists be more imaginative and strategic, which can increase the chances of success. Over 300 civil resistance tactics have been documented now. Inspiring!

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