The Eco-Right, Eco-Anxiety, Eco-Cool, & Eco-Birding: A Better Climate

Citizens' Climate Radio May 2021 compilation

Peterson Toscano of Citizen's Climate Radio guest-hosts today, featuring visits with Dr. Krista Hiser, Director of the Center for Sustainability Across the Curriculum for the University of Hawaii, Bob Inglis, Executive Director of republicEn & advocate of the Eco-Right, Sarah Jaquette Ray, professor of environmental studies & author of A Field Guide to Climate Anxiety: How to Keep Your Cool on a Warming Planet, and Tykee James, government affairs coordinator at the National Audubon Society and co-organizer of Black Birders Week.

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The Eco-Right, Eco-Anxiety, Eco-Cool, & Eco-Birding: A Better Climate

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Peterson Toscano
Dr. Krista Hiser
Bob Inglis
Sarah Jaquette Ray
Tykee James


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