Today's guest-host, Peterson Toscano of Citizen's Climate Radio, extends the range of climate change warriors by asking "What Would Jesus Do?" through his interviews with some conservative-tilting, Christian evangelical/fundamental-leaning climate activists. Kelsey Grant (on Twitter), Conservative Outreach Coordinator for Citizens Climate Lobby, co-founded environmental ministries and taught about environmental stewardship as a Sunday School teacher at her church. Andrea Zink (on Instagram) is rooted in the United Methodist Church, including activism with the UMC Circles of Grace prison ministry music team, and her professional work has been with non-profits like The Salvation Army, Vanderbilt University, and Nashville Opera. Lindsay Linsky (on Twitter) is the author of Keep It Good: Understanding Creation Care through Parables, a book that will open your eyes to how Christians are missing the mark when it comes to God's creation and provide practical suggestions for how to get there. The final guest is one of the most widely known Progressive Evangelical Christian thought leaders. Rev. Tony Campolo, is professor emeritus of sociology at Eastern University and author of the 1992, How to Rescue the Earth Without Worshiping Nature, A Christian Call to Save Creation.
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