Mary Conrow Coelho's book, Awakening Universe, Emerging Personhood. The Power of Contemplation in a Evolving Universe, draws on her teaching & research in biology, Masters of Divinity, and PhD in Historical Theology to explore and flesh in "The New Story" of our place in an evolving universe.
James Mulholland - Praying Like Jesus
James Mulholland is an author and Quaker pastor who's religious path has spanned tremendously, including fundamentalist Christian to United Methodist to Quakerism. He fearlessly faces the big questions and shares the fruits of his learning through his writing.
If Grace Is True - Philip Gulley
Philip Gulley has authored 14 books, including the very popular Harmony series, but today we focus on 2 books co-authored with James Mulholland - If Grace Is True and If God Is Love. Phil visits with us today about his and Jim's growing and evolving conviction, moving them from a traditional fundamentalist viewpoint to a belief in Universal Salvation, and the implications of this revolution of thought.
John McCutcheon - Mightier Than The Sword
John McCutcheon has a long history as a dedicated musician with a powerful social conscience. Unions, the environment, war, Central America, national unity - these and many more concerns are woven into his music.
Honduran Witness and US CO's - Father Melo plus Center on Conscience and War
Father Ismael (Melo) Moreno, Jesuit priest & director of Radio Progreso, brings news of Honduras since the coup and Atty JE McNeil talks about CO's like Dr. Timothy Watson, the Military and the Center on Conscience & War.
Alaine Duncan - Crossings HealingWorks
Alaine is an acupuncturist, a Quaker and a peaceworker who has found her "divine enough". Through Crossings Healingworks she does healing work with soldiers and their healers at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and a Veterans Administration Hospital in her area.
Paddle for the Planet
David Abazs is a moving force behind Paddle for the Planet, a 500-mile canoe trip from the headwaters of the Mississippi River to the Twin Cities where it concludes with River Rally between St Cloud and St Paul, MN, May 20-23, 2010 when everyone is invited to join in.
Activating the Activists
Steve Chase originated and serves now as the director of the Environmental Advocacy and Organizing Program in the Dept of Environmental Studies of Antioch University New England, training future generations of change-makers of all sorts. Steve's early inspiration was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, but a transforming moment is when he got kicked out his Boy Scout troop and welcomed in by Quakers - at age 13.
Listening for Light in Rwanda
David Thomas has a passion for discerning God's will, and he's shared that drive with the Friends Church in Rwanda. Ending up in Rwanda is a result of his practical encounter with discernment as he and his wife, Debby, sought clearness on where they were called in mission - could they really be called to genocide-torn Rwanda?
The Wisdom To Know The Difference - Eileen Flanagan
Eileen Flanagan shares insights & stories of lives heading toward serenity, empowerment and wisdom. A writer, mother and former Peace Corps volunteer in Botswana, Eileen draws on deep spirit and wide ranging vision to help us make decisions leading to a better world.